Baytowne U presents: 'Celtic Cocktails and Clonakilty' with Hopper from Clonakilty (past)

Join us on Tuesday, April 12th from 6:00-7:30pm for an intro to 'Celtic Cocktails and Clonakilty' with Hopper who will be pouring a selection of spirits. Hopper from Clonakilty will teach you how to cocktail! With decades of bartending experience, Hopper has mixed more than a few drinks in his day. In this class, he'll teach you how to make a whiskey cocktail, a gin cocktail, and a hot cocktail.
Be sure to reserve your spot today as spaces are limited. Please fill out an individual form for each person attending.
April 12, 2022 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM