Black Tot Day at Aqua Vitae (past)

Black Tot Day commemorates July 31st, 1970, the final daily allotment of the centuries old rum ration in the Royal Navy. The daily ‘tot’ of rum was deemed no longer suitable to the modern military era, and with great ceremony, a tradition that had begun in the 17th century was laid to rest. Black Tot Rum was born to celebrate this history and the rum that defined it, offering Navy Rum style blends crafted with respect to the blending methods of the Royal Navy.
Aqua Vitae, Skurnik, and BayTowne Wine & Spirits are collaborating to celebrate this Black Tot Day 2024 and you are cordially invited aboard. Join us from 6:00 to 9:00p.m. on Wednesday, July 31st at Aqua Vitae on East Avenue. Abel and Samm of Skurnik and Lucas of BayTowne will take the helm of three rum stations: Jamaica, Barbados, and Guyana to present the unique rums of these three nations so integral to the traditional Navy blend of Black Tot. Then stop up at the bar to enjoy a pour of Black Tot itself or an expertly crafted rum cocktail with Matt and Joe.
Tickets are just five dollars to cover the snacks, to save us from the historical accuracy of hardtack and salt meat. We’ll close the night out with a communal toast of Black Tot to commemorate the old tradition, and celebrate the outstanding rums that make it all possible!